Is Gambling Bad For Society

What are the adverse effects of gambling? How does it affect society? Should gambling be legal? We don’t think so and here we bring you an article that discusses the reasons why gambling should be illegal.

Gambling is bad for society as a whole and should be unlawful because of the negative impact it places on individuals and family units. Loss of needed monies for basic survival, and the influx of the criminal element that is associated with gambling is a societal issue that uses tremendous amounts of resources unnecessarily. Opponents of gambling counter that it attracts a variety of social ills that damage society. Gambling can become a compulsive habit, ruining the lives of people who run up huge debts or gamble away their personal or family income and savings. Generally gambling is prohibited in many countries, but in some countries gambling is legalized and brings revenue for the nations. However, gambling almost affect the society negatively. It ruins people life. First of all, make the society’s citizens bad.

Gambling refers to the process of staking money in view of gaining more. When it comes to making money, one has to draw a line between need and greed. Gambling is something that blurs this line. It tempts you to risk more in an attempt to win more and the cycle does not seem to end. In case you lose money, you want to earn it back and if you earn money, you are tempted to gain more. Caught in the cycle, you keep gambling for hours. And then you do it regularly. It becomes a habit you cannot break.

Over time, you may get addicted to gambling. In the process, you end up losing large sums of money. Even if you win, your greed to win more might never end. The activity that started as a game of winning or losing money might take a bad turn and lead you to criminal activities. Gambling may breed ill-practices that have adverse effects on your family and social life. Perhaps, a good solution to prevent the damaging effects of gambling is to make it illegal.

Why Gambling Should Be Illegal

Gambling Invites Problems

Gambling is meant to serve as a recreation. People engage in gambling activities to get rid of their problems, stress, and loneliness. But most often, the contrary happens. Gambling often turns out to be a thoughtless splurge of money and a waste of quality time. It invites problems.

Gambling Leads to Crime

Gambling can lead people to crime. Those addicted to it fail to think wisely before taking any decisions in life. The addiction forces them to risk huge amounts of money. It may lead them to a stage where they cannot stop themselves from betting money and valuables, in turn leading them to bankruptcy. Those addicted to gambling are often seen giving up their jobs and careers, thus spoiling their lives.

Compulsive Gambling can Ruin Life

Problem gamblers or compulsive gamblers as they can be called, feel compelled to bet money with the intent to win more. Irrespective of whether they lose or win money, their addiction to gambling forces them to continue staking it. It may land them into huge debts. Lack of funds to repay the loans may leave them incapable of shouldering responsibilities towards their family. In this case, the family members have to face hardships and economic problems, or they may decide to separate, sharing no responsibility of the money lost.

It’s Addictive

Gambling is so addictive, that it won’t be wrong to compare it with drugs. Similar to how substance abuse has devastating effects on a personal and social level, even gambling is detrimental to both these aspects of living. That’s one reason why it is wise to outlaw it.

Gambling Affects Finances

Though one may argue that gambling is only a means of recreation and that it should be taken as a form of entertainment, truth is that it is seldom taken that way. Gamblers consider it to be a business, an investment, or a way to earn money. They take irresponsible decisions about staking money and risk amounts they don’t even have. This leads to huge debts they may never be able to repay. The prohibition of gambling by law is an effective measure to discourage people from its damaging effects.

Why is gambling bad for society

It’s Fruitless

Money that could have been invested in better ways or put to better use is lost in gambling. Money just changes hands between the gamblers and is never really put to any worthy use. It keeps circulating between those involved in gambling, and they keep switching between rich, richer, poor, and poorer. Gambling can make the rich poor and the poor rich, within seconds; that too only out of luck. It is tempting to bet money, hoping for a bigger win every time. The allurement is not easy to overcome. And hence it’s best done by law.

Gambling Leads to Malpractices

Is Gambling Bad For Society Of America

Is gambling bad for society organizations

Is Gambling Bad For Society Charity

Gambling leads people to borrow money and take secret loans for betting. These practices can best be prevented through law. Generally, people fear to do something that is illegal. They prefer to remain away from anything that is banned by law. Thus, if gambling is made illegal, its detrimental effects may be substantially reduced.

Making gambling illegal can solve many of the problems associated with it. Crime is best curbed through the use of law and order. If addiction to gambling is entitled to punishment, gambling practices will become less prevalent or may even stop completely. Strict laws against gambling, punishments or penalties to those caught, and surveillance, can prevent the number of people engaging in gambling activities.

Is Gambling Bad For Society Organizations

Why Casinos and Lotteries are Bad Casinos and lotteries are almost exactly the same as drugs, because they have just as much, or an even more addicting effect on the people. The one difference is the drug addict takes drugs and is basically “gone” in a mental sense, but the gamblers and people who play the lottery still consciously know what they are doing. This state can worse, because gambling addicts are purposely hurting their loved ones, and damaging their future, without “escaping” from the world. Lotteries and casinos are both ways to take money from people by making them voluntarily spend their money. Because of the way casinos and lotteries are able to addict anyone they can lure in, they have a devastating influence on the people…show more content…
Resort casinos are specifically designed and run to cater to the richer upper class people and have standards for who the allow in. These gambling facilities do not have a large impact on the general society because only people who can afford to lose money are allowed in. The other casino type, that draws in the poor and desolate part of the population, has a much larger impact. The casinos that cater to the poorer part of the population use slot machines which incite a player to bet small sums as fast as they can get their fingers to fly by using lots of buttons and lights. After a night at the slots where multitudes of small sums were bet at a rapid pace, people are generally out of a lot of money without actually feeling like they lost a lost because they didn’t “bet enough to lose a lot.” But the real damage is not in the amount of money they spent it’s in the people coming back again and again, in a strategy the gambling joints call “playing to extinction.” The gamblers will come back time and again and bet relatively small sums until their money is effectively extinct. This strategy would keep the problem gamblers coming back to spend, which would make up over half of the money made by the casino. Other people that come in “for fun” spend less, and the casinos know that, so they create an atmosphere that caters to the addicts. The resort casinos do not have this effect on people…show more content…
Though it is a common past time to go gambling, it was once illegal, and was made legal only recently. Today, forty eight states allow casinos and other gambling facilities, because congress has allowed the state legislatures to make them legal. The same legislators that are pushing for more casinos, which are a tax on the people in a way, are also fighting bitterly against any raises in taxes. Casinos are a “tax” on the people who visit them because they take away some of the individuals money, and give a part of it to the government. Yet the same people who lose the money also say they are not being taxed because it is voluntary. Thirty years ago, Nevada was the only state that allowed gambling of any sort, but today nineteen have commercially run casinos in heavily populated cities, and forty three allow other types of gambling, such as track-side betting. They have also appeared in the states that still don 't allow them by exploiting loopholes in the laws. One loophole that was especially used is the laws about casinos only apply to the ones on solid ground. New riverboat casinos have sprung up on many of the major rivers around the US, and are not illegal because they are not technically on or in any state. The only states today that still ban gambling are Hawaii and Utah. Every other state has legalized it in one form or another. Gambling was illegal until state legislatures and other influential