Minecraft All Slot Ids

Data Values are used to distinguish certain blocks and items by giving each one a unique value and ID. Some blocks, such as Diorite, Andesite, and Granite, share the same values; however, there is a notable difference between them which is usually in the following form: 11, 12, and so on. There are many different types of IDs. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. An inventory pop-up screen. A filled and sorted inventory. The numbers used to specify slots in the player survival inventory. A chest inventory. The inventory is the pop-up menu that the player uses to manage items they carry. From this screen a player can equip armor, craft items on a 2×2 grid, and equip tools, blocks, and items. The player's skin is also displayed here.

Find out how to operate your character, and the different settings you can change when playing Minecraft on PC.

Table of Contents

All Controls List For Mouse & Keyboard

Movement Controls List

WWalk Forwards
SWalk Backwards
AStrafe Left
DStrafe Right
Left CTRLSprint

Gameplay Controls List

Minecraft All Slot Ids
Left Mouse ButtonAttack / Destroy
Right Mouse ButtonUse Item / Interact / Place Block
Middle Mouse ButtonPick Block

Inventory Controls List

QDrop Selected Item
CTRL + QDrop Selected Item Stack
1Select Hotbar Slot 1
2Select Hotbar Slot 2
3Select Hotbar Slot 3
4Select Hotbar Slot 4
5Select Hotbar Slot 5
6Select Hotbar Slot 6
7Select Hotbar Slot 7
8Select Hotbar Slot 8
9Select Hotbar Slot 9
EOpen / Close Inventory
FSwap Item In Hands

Creative Mode Controls List

XLoad Toolbar Activator
CSave Toolbar Activator

Multiplayer Controls List

TABShow List of Players
TOpen Chat
/Open Command

Miscellaneous Controls List

ESCOpen Menu
LOpen Advancements Window
-Highlight Players (Spectators)
F1Hide Interface
F2Take Screenshot
F3Open Debug Screen
-Toggle Cinematic Camera
F5Toggle Player Perspective
F11Toggle Fullscreen

NOTE: Keybinds listed as - are not assigned a key by default. You will need to manually assign a key to these in order for you to do those actions.

Minecraft All Slot Ids

How To Change Control Settings

Change Control Settings In Options

You will first need to pause the game by pressing the ESC button. This will bring up your menu. From here, click on Options, and then Controls.

Minecraft All Slot Ids Mod

What Controls Can You Change?

Remap Every Single Control

You will be able to assign new keys to all of the actions that you see on the menu. Just click on the button that you want to remap, and replace it by pushing a new key that is more convenient for you.

All Inventory Slot Ids Minecraft

Reset Controls To Default

You will also be able to reset all of your controls to their default keybind by pressing on the Reset buttons next to the keys. You can also revert all of the keys to their default setting via the Reset Keys button.

Minecraft All Slot Ids Games

Adjust Mouse Settings

Minecraft All Slot Ids Software

You can also tweak different mouse settings such as the mouse & scroll sensitivity, inverting the mouse, discrete scrolling, and even enabling Touchscreen Mode! You can access this via the Mouse Settings button.