Remington Bar And Casino Whitefish

The restraining orders were filed against Sykes Diner and Market, and Scotty’s Bar in Kalispell, The Remington Bar in Whitefish, as well as the Ferndale Market, and Your Lucky Turn Casino and Mercantile in Big Fork. So far, the court has refrained from shutting them down and has scheduled hearings in early November. Phone: (406) 862-1340 Fax: (406) 862-1340 TollFree: (800) 243-9700 Payment method discover, amex, visa, mastercard AKA. Remington Casino Saloon. The Remington Bar.

KALISPELL, Mont. (AP) — State and county health officials have started cracking down on businesses that aren’t enforcing Gov. Steve Bullock’s mask mandate, which was put in place in July to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services sought court approval in Flathead County to force four businesses to come into compliance with the mandate, the Flathead Beacon reported Friday.

The state is seeking temporary restraining orders against Sykes Diner and Mercantile in Kalispell, Remington Bar and Casino in Whitefish, Your Lucky Turn Tavern in Bigfork and Ferndale Market.

The governor’s mandate requires face coverings to be worn in all indoor spaces open to the public in counties that have four or more current cases of COVID-19. It also requires businesses to take “reasonable measures” to ensure customers, employees and others follow the mandate.

Bullock announced planned legal action against Flathead County businesses on Thursday, saying county commissioners and the Flathead City-County health board responded to the recent spike in cases “by publicly offering support to residents who ignore the governor’s directives,” the complaint said.

The state is seeking a temporary injunction and a restraining order to prevent the businesses from violating the emergency orders.

Doug White, whose family has owned Your Lucky Turn for more than three decades, acknowledged some customers walk in without masks or remove face coverings in the casino. He says he has posted a sign with the state directive and provides masks and hand sanitizers to customers.

“What am I supposed to do?” White asked. “Accost people?”

“We try to comply with everything possible, but I have suppliers coming in here all the time not wearing a mask. What am I gonna say? I can’t accept your beer delivery because the guy’s not wearing a mask?” White asked.

The owner of the Ferndale Market was out of town and unavailable for comment Friday, a person who answered the phone there said. Pam Haase, the manager at Sykes Diner, said they had just been served with the complaint and wanted to read through it before commenting. The person who answered the phone at the Remington declined to comment.

Two of the businesses named in Friday’s filings — Sykes Diner and Ferndale Market — had been referred to County Attorney Travis Ahner, who said he declined to take action against the businesses because no specific outbreak had been linked to the locations.

Montana reported a record 932 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday and another 863 on Friday, bringing the case total since the pandemic began to just over 26,500. At least 282 people have died and 351 are hospitalized, state officials said.

The number of cases is thought to be far higher because people can have COVID-19 without having symptoms and not everyone has been tested.


Other counties are taking actions against businesses that aren’t enforcing the mask mandate.

Missoula County has ordered several businesses to comply with the COIVD-19 safety precautions or close down and has closed some that haven’t, the Missoulian reported.

Cascade County has issued “orders of correction” letters to the owners of three businesses for not complying with the mask mandates since August and has contacted others with educational calls. If the Cascade County businesses don’t comply, the county health department says the cases will be referred to the county attorney, the Great Falls Tribune reported.

Cascade County Health Officer Trisha Gardiner said Tuesday that the health department has contacted more than 200 businesses with regard to non-compliance with COVID-19 directives, such as masks, signs and building capacity limits.

The state does not track county enforcement efforts, health department spokesperson Jon Ebelt said.

Bullock on Friday provided a link to a consumer complaint form where the public can let health officials know of businesses or events that violate COVID-19 directives. The form is also used to report foodborne illnesses and other public health and safety issues.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, and death.

Daily Inter Lake October 26, 2020 10:00 AM

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services has lodged complaints against four Flathead County businesses alleging the entities violated COVID-19 directives by failing to ensure employees and patrons wore masks and that the establishments displayed proper signage related to COVID-19 protocols.

The lawsuits were filed Friday in Flathead County District Court against Sykes Diner in Kalispell, The Remington Bar in Whitefish and the Ferndale Market and Your Turn Mercantile/Your Lucky Turn Casino in Bigfork. The businesses have been given 21 days to respond to the complaints, according to court documents filed Friday.

Remington bar and casino whitefish

The state health department had sought an immediate injunction that would have required the businesses to immediately shut down via restraining orders and called for the Flathead County Sheriff’s Department to enforce the measure. As part of the request, the businesses would be allowed to reopen only after they submitted plans that would implement measures to comply with the state’s mask directive and other public health orders.

But multiple Flathead County District Court judges decided not to impose those measures. Instead, summons were filed giving the businesses three weeks to respond to the charges, meaning the businesses can continue to operate until further action has been decided upon.

As of Friday afternoon, owners and employees with three of the businesses said they had not yet been made aware of the charges filed against them. One business, The Remington Bar, could not be reached by phone for comment.

An owner of Sykes Diner said she could not comment on the lawsuit considering she had not read any documents. A manager of Your Turn Mercantile and its sister casino had also not reviewed any information, but said “we have tried our best to comply with health regulations. We don’t chase down every customer that runs through the door. We simply don’t have time for that.”

According to court documents, all four businesses were visited by state health inspectors on Oct. 20 and again on Oct. 21. At each of the establishments, sanitarians reportedly observed both employees and customers were either not wearing masks or were wearing them incorrectly around the chin or neck as opposed to over the mouth and nose.

As one example, in the case against Sykes Diner, the complaint alleges sanitarians “observed that none of the approximately seven employees visibly present were wearing masks.” A similar observation was made the following day when the same sanitarians noted five employees were not wearing masks.

In the case against The Remington Bar, sanitarians alleged “none of the 60 to 80 patrons visibly present throughout the business space were observed to be wearing masks.” In addition, they noted a portion of servers and bartenders were either not wearing masks or had them donned incorrectly.

THE ALLEGATIONS were the subject of a Thursday news conference with Gov. Steve Bullock. State health officials announced they were seeking temporary restraining orders against the establishments, which they described as being “repeat offenders” of public health orders.

All four lawsuits touch on a history of citizen complaints at the establishments involving COVID-19 regulations. The state alleges that these patterns, combined with two consecutive days of failing to ensure staff and guests wore masks, means “it is clear that Defendant intends to continue operations in violation of the Mask Directive.”

The order in question states “all businesses, government offices, or other persons responsible for indoor spaces open to the public shall require and take reasonable measures to ensure that all employees, contractors, volunteers, customers, or other members of the public wear a face covering that covers their mouth and nose at all times while entering or remaining in any indoor spaces open to the public.”

During the press call, Flathead and Yellowstone counties were highlighted as COVID-19 hot spots, but Bullock said he was especially concerned about Flathead County, which tallied 62 new cases on Friday, bringing the area’s active case count to 859.

“I’ve heard from hospital leaders from the area that the situation is getting serious and our health-care workers are stretched thin,” Bullock said. “I’ve heard from business owners that [they] want to stay open and not loose employees or customers to this virus.”

Remington Bar And Casino Whitefish Montana

But according to Flathead County Attorney Travis Ahner, although Bullock has honed in on the valley’s outbreak, Flathead County has not received adequate support from the state.

“The concern that I have is that the governor awhile back said these [Flathead and Yellowstone] are our two problem areas. The response in Yellowstone was that the state provided funding to help staff the local health department and to help with contact tracing,” Ahner said. “Our health department has also made it very clear that they need more staff and more help, but they haven’t received the same support that Yellowstone has.”

Remington Bar And Casino Whitefish

Remington Bar And Casino Whitefish Mt

Ahner also said he believes the complaints brought against the four local businesses are misguided and lack evidence when it comes to the role those businesses play in Flathead County’s outbreak.

Remington Bar And Casino Whitefish

He pointed to a recent announcement from the Flathead City-County Health Department in which officials said investigations had linked recent cases to indoor gatherings and large events, not specifically to bars, restaurants, gas stations or other similar businesses.

“When we don’t have any data that specifically ties cases to these places and their actions, that to me, is of note,” Ahner said. “How did they pick these places versus others? These businesses have already been through enough without another shut down.”

Individuals cannot file a consumer complaint form against businesses that appear to be violating COVID-19 guidelines. The complaint form available at