Gambling Control Bill 2013

  1. Gambling Control Bill 2013 Worth
  2. Gambling Control Bill 2013 Ireland
  3. Gambling Control Bill 2013 India
  4. Gambling Control Bill 2013 Series

The Gambling Control Bill was approved by Government in July 2013. This Bill will, upon enactment, repeal all extant gaming and betting legislation, with the exception of that governing the National Lottery. The General Scheme of the Bill is with the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel to the Government (OPC) awaiting drafting. Betting Act 1931. Indian gambling control act hearing before the committee on interior and insular affairs house of representatives ninety-ninth congress first session on h.r. 1920 to establish federal standards and regulations for the conduct of gaming activities on indian reservations and lands, and for other purposes h.r. February 21, 2013 An act to amend Section 19805 of the Business and Professions Code, and to amend Section 337j of the Penal Code, relating to gaming. Legislative counsel’s digest AB 820, as amended, Gomez. Gaming: Gambling Control Act. The Gambling Control Act provides for the licensure of certain.


SB 76(Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Chapter 32, Statutes of 2013) - Public Safety Budget Trailer Bill – 2013-14 Budget.

This bill, an urgency measure, is the public safety Budget trailer bill. The bill, in part, restructures the Remote Caller Bingo Program, reallocates functions among the Commission and the Department of Justice, extends the due date for repayment of loans owed to the Gambling Control Fund for Program administrative costs, appropriates funds to the Commission for workload associated with the Program, and establishes a sunset date for the Program. The bill also makes various technical amendments to the Program and makes other changes.

Effective date: June 27, 2013

Gambling Control Bill 2013

Note: Also see SB 820 below.


AB 110 (Blumenfield, Chapter 20, Statutes of 2013) - Budget Act of 2013.

This bill, an urgency measure, makes appropriations for the support of state government for the 2013-14 fiscal year and includes appropriations for the Commission.

Gambling Control Bill 2013 Worth

Effective date: June 27, 2013


AB 1039 (Hall, Chapter 745, Statutes of 2013) - Local Gambling Control.

This bill allows limited expansion of gambling by authorizing local jurisdictions to amend their local gambling ordinances without approval of the voters, to allow cardrooms to increase the number of gambling (cardroom) tables by two, compared to the ordinance that was in effect on January 1, 2013.

Effective date: January 1, 2014

SB 472 (Hill, Chapter 760, Statutes of 2013) - Gaming: Licenses.

This bill changes suitability requirements and authorizes licensing exemptions for persons required to be licensed by the Commission, as it relates to a gambling establishment (cardroom) that was located on a racetrack. The major provisions of the bill would: (1) loosen the suitability requirements for specified persons required to hold a State gambling license that have a financial interest in a business or organization engaged in gambling prohibited by law; (2) provide a three-year exemption to the restrictions on prohibited financial interests for those persons; (3) require those persons to divest their interests in a gambling business or establishment, as specified, within 3 years; and, (4) extend the Commission's current authority to exempt specified limited partners in limited partnerships from licensing requirements in order to include a cardroom that was located on a racetrack. The bill also restricts the use of funds from these financial interests during the divestment period and makes other changes.

Effective date: January 1, 2014


AB 1317 (Frazier, Chapter 352, Statues of 2013) - State Government Reorganization.

This bill, an urgency measure, codifies the Governor's Reorganization Plan No. 2 and also makes technical amendments to properly reflect the assignment and reorganization of the functions of state government among the newly established executive officers and agencies. As it relates to the Commission, the bill makes one nonsubstantive technical amendment to Business and Professions Code section 19881 related to corporations and articles of incorporation. The bill contains other related provisions.

Effective date: September 26, 2013

SB 820 (Committee on Governmental Organization, Chapter 353, Statutes of 2013) - State Government Reorganization.

This bill, an urgency measure, makes various substantive and nonsubstantive amendments to implement the Governor's Reorganization Plan of 2012. The bill, in part, makes conforming name and function changes and other technical changes to properly reflect the assignment and reorganization of the functions of state government. As it relates to the Commission, the bill makes substantive and nonsubstantive changes to: (1) the Business and Professions Code related to licenses, permits or other approvals issued by the Commission; and, (2) the Penal Code related to the Remote Caller Bingo Program.

Effective date: September 26, 2013

Problem Gambling

AB 75 (Committee on Budget, Chapter 22, Statutes of 2013) - Alcohol and Drug Programs: Problem Gambling.

This bill, an urgency measure transfers the administration of prevention, treatment, and recovery services for alcohol and drug abuse to the State Department of Health Care Services and services for problem gambling (Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling) to the State Department of Public Health, and makes related changes. The bill also amends Section 19954 of the Business and Professions Code to require cardroom licensees to pay the additional one hundred dollars ($100) fee for each gambling table to the Department of Public Health instead of the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. This fee would continue to be deposited in the Gambling Addiction Program Fund to benefit persons with a gambling addiction problem. The bill contains other related provisions.

Gambling Control Bill 2013 Ireland

Effective date: July 1, 2013


AB 277 (Hall, Chapter 51, Statutes of 2013) – Tribal-State Gaming Compact Ratification.

Gambling Control Bill 2013

This bill, an urgency measure, ratifies the Tribal-State Gaming Compact entered into between the State of California and the North Fork Rancheria Band of Mono Indians, executed on August 31, 2012. The bill also ratifies the Tribal-State Gaming Compact entered into between the State of California and the Wiyot Tribe, executed on March 20, 2013. The bill would provide that, in deference to tribal sovereignty, certain actions are not projects for purposes of CEQA.
Note: A referendum proposing to overturn ratification of these Compacts will be placed on the November, 2014 ballot. The referendum would require approval by a majority of voters.

Effective date: July 3, 2013

AB 1042 (Hall, Chapter 746, Statutes of 2013) - Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund.

This bill expands the information that is required to be included in the annual May Budget revision related to revenues in the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund that will be available for local government agencies impacted by tribal gaming. Specifically, the bill requires the Department of Finance, in consultation with the Commission, to provide a recommendation regarding the total revenue in the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund that will be available for the current budget year for the local government agencies. In addition, the bill requires additional fiscal information to be provided with this recommendation, as specified. The bill also appropriates $9.1 million from the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund to the Commission in FY 2013-14 for grants to local government agencies to mitigate the off-reservation impacts of tribal gaming.
Note: The Governor's signing message reduced the appropriation in the bill from $13 million to $9.1 million.

Effective date: January 1, 2014

AB 1245 (V. Manuel Pérez, Chapter 462, Statutes of 2013) - Tribal-State Gaming Compact Ratification.

This bill, an urgency measure, ratifies the Tribal-State Gaming Compact entered into between the State of California and the Ramona Band of Cahuilla, executed on June 10, 2013. The bill would provide that, in deference to tribal sovereignty, certain actions are not projects for purposes of California Environmental Quality Act.

Effective date: October 1, 2013

Gambling Control Bill 2013 India

AB 1267 (Hall, Chapter 6, Statutes of 2013) - Tribal-State Gaming Compact Ratification.

This bill, an urgency measure, ratifies the amendment to the Tribal-State Gaming Compact entered into between the State of California and the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, executed on November 15, 2012. The bill provides that, in deference to tribal sovereignty, certain actions may not be deemed projects for purposes of.

Effective date: May 30, 2013

Gambling Control Bill 2013 Series

SB 668 (Fuller, Chapter 67, Statutes of 2013) - Tribal-State Gaming Compact Ratification.

This bill, an urgency measure, ratifies the Tribal-State Gaming Compact entered into between the State of California and the Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians, executed on February 28, 2013. The bill provides that, in deference to tribal sovereignty, certain actions are not projects for purposes of California Environmental Quality Act.

Effective date: July 11, 2013